Post-Ticketing Service Fees

At, we understand that travel plans may change. Below is a detailed breakdown of our post-ticketing service fees, which apply to cancellations, refunds, ticket changes, and special requests.

Cancellation & Refund Fees

Within 4 Hours of Booking

Service TypeFee
Agent-Assisted Cancellation & Refund$25

Within 4-24 Hours of Booking

Ticket CostFee
$0 – $300$25
$301 – $400$35
$401 – $500$50
$501 – $750$75
Above $75010% of the Gross Ticket Amount

Beyond 24 Hours – Cancellation with Future Credit

Service TypeEconomy (Domestic/International)Business/First-Class (Domestic/International)
Agent-Assisted Cancellation (Future Credit)$40 / $40$75 / $100

Beyond 24 Hours – Cancellation with Refund

Service TypeEconomy (Domestic/International)Business/First-Class (Domestic/International)
Agent-Assisted Cancellation (Refund)$100 / $200$200 / $200

Ticket Changes & Exchanges

Timeframe for ChangesEconomy (Domestic/International)Business/First-Class (Domestic/International)
Within 10 days of new travel date$125 / $200$200 / $200
Beyond 10 days of new travel date$75 / $175$175 / $175

Special Services Fees

Service TypeEconomy (Domestic/International)Business/First-Class (Domestic/International)
Agent-Assisted Waivers$50 / $75$100 / $150

Situations Covered for Special Assistance

Duplicate Booking
Medical Issues
Name Change/Correction
Routing Changes
Unaccompanied Minor Requests
Visa Issues
Denied Boarding

Important Terms & Conditions

✔ All refunds and future credits are subject to airline fare rules, policies, and procedures.
Service fees are non-refundable and may change without prior notice.
✔ Fees are in addition to any airline or supplier-imposed charges.
✔ Government-imposed taxes and fees are subject to change.
Most airline tickets are non-refundable, except under the following conditions:

  • The airline’s fare rules allow cancellations and refunds.
  • A refund request has been approved by us.
  • The booking is not a “no-show” (most no-show tickets are non-refundable).
  • We have secured a waiver from the airline for a cancellation/refund.

For additional details, please refer to our Cancellation & Refund Policy.

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